By Devon Delaney, 12/02/2016
Dearest Twin Flames, The message your beloved has for you is you are already in Divine Union. Feel it, know it, it is real. How amazing that you get to experience this union in the 5th dimension and in higher vibrations, regardless of what your Twin's physical self may be doing. This Union is meant to ignite the Holy Fire within you. Your Higher Self is preparing the way for your highest and best good. You are being very supported beyond what your eyes can see. This a sacred honoring of you. When you look beyond that person, that other human, and into your own soul, then you see your beloved as they really are. You see your beloved beyond illusions of separation. And when you can truly recognize this beautiful union within, you are free. With this freedom, with this infinite love, you are amazingly powerful. As a Twin Flame, you are pure light at your essence. With the Holy Fire that is within you, that emanates all around you, you are transmuting the old and rising in love to the new. By walking towards your divinity, you are walking with your beloved, embracing all the love you are. This is union. Love and Light, Sophia Sunrise